Farmer's Support System
- Annadatta, who has cultivated and cultivated agriculture for thousands of years The life-giving creature who leaves creation, and the physical labor of the peasant community The legacy is countable, and the farmer's efforts to reap the benefits of mechanical equipment in the field of agriculture have led to less than expected returns.
- Today there is a hot world of farm implements in the pulse. In this regard, SRK Ladder is the largest corporation in the world of Aluminum Leathers and Agricultural Machinery in Karnataka and neighboring Kerala, Dakshina Kannada, Udupi, Shimoga, Hassan, Chickmagalur.
- The seed sprouted ...
- Keshava, the founder and owner of Sr Ladder, grew into our own 21 years ago. Keshav, who has built millions of ladders over the last two decades, and slammed the farmer's doorstep in the fields, spraying bordeaux on the trees, and creating a bamboo kermma to look for ways to do so. Keshav and his team were not satisfied with the farmers' earnings at the outset. Since 2006, the marketplace has started. The SRK ladders crossed the districts one by one. Since 2008, the number two special design variants have been released each year.
- SRK Ladder has invented the Motor-less Truck Trolley that transports farm produce from the garden. Two designs have been released. Hydraulic loading equipment is also included. Single-wheeled, two-wheeled carriages are available here from the garden, with fertilizer available.
- SRK Ladder's products are available not only in the market, but also in agricultural markets, machinery, agriculture and exhibitions. Pepper deconstruction machine, Sauer extension for Bordeaux spraying, a knife fitting, etc. are available here.
- Keshava initially started his own company and later became a partner. Soon after, they are back in the lonely company. There is also a system of delivering aluminum beads and farm machinery to the farmer's doorstep and the ladders are light and fit for lateral use.